Baskeball Elite Newsletter – Free For Basketball Lovers

“Love For The Game”

It goes without saying, we have much love for the game of basketball.

See, we’re real fans, and we are betting you are, too.

We know that basketball is about more than SportsCenter highlights, more than shoe contracts and more than big money headlines.

Basketball is a game of skill and IQ, a game where you must work to improve your individual skills if you want to improve the team.

The true meaning of basketball is found in the squeak of shoes as a player runs solitary sprints in a morning gym.

It’s found in the coach who fell asleep at 2:00 AM in his office trying to iron out that one last wrinkle in the flex offense. It’s on the back courts in North Carolina, Chicago, Atlanta, New York and Los Angeles, where no one calls fouls and no one keeps stats.

Sign up for the newsletter, it’s completely free, and it’s stuffed with real basketball.

We’ll never share your email address with anyone, because, we may love basketball, but we hate spam.
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