While the NBA remains in a lockout, the D League is still running business as usual. This week the Bakersfield Jam will be holding their final tryout before the season, and returning coach Will Voigt only has 3 returning players from last season’s roster. That means the opportunity is wide open for players looking to land a spot in the top minor league in the United States.
Registration for the tryout camp begins at 8:30 am on October 22nd.
The tryout is this coming weekend (October 22-23rd) in Baskersfield. For more information, visit www.bakersfieldjam.com.
hey would like 2 get more info about the dead line for tryout
You would need to contact the team directly.
when is the next try out
Not sure, the Jam always contact us to let us know when they have them. We post them whenever we get them.